Book Home Cleaning with Alexa

We are proud to announce the launch of Queen Bee Cleaning Alexa Skill. The Alexa skill has been a long time coming, so the details of what the skill can do are going to be long but exciting.


Queen Bee Cleaning was launched in 2015, with a single goal in mind – to make it extremely simple for our customers to get their home cleaning done. Since then we’ve done everything to cut downtime and effort required to book a cleaning appointment with us. We thrive to make our customer’s life extremely easy – right from enabling online orders, free quotes, webchat and now an Amazon Alexa skill – using which customers can just ask Alexa to book an appointment. The success of voice (ordering laundry, cab, food, or anything that one can think of) for a range of brands have established that it works and any brand not looking at voice as a business strategy is a dinosaur still stuck in old school channels for marketing, which work well but do not bring in exponential changes and that is exactly what a new channel like voice can do.

Why did we launch an Alexa Skill

We at Queen Bee Cleaning work round the clock to ensure customer satisfaction and one clear trend is ease of ordering reduces churn and increases customer satisfaction. Keeping this in mind we worked with Emitrr – a voice platform for Home Cleaning Companies to launch our Alexa skill to help our customers work with us in a new, faster and easier manner. Not just that, voice is a new channel that we believe will become a default choice for search in the future and hence we wanted to take the step now before it’s too late. Below are some stats about the current penetration of voice as a market

No. of Alexa devices sold in the US: 150M+

General awareness of voice is high: According to a survey by PwC only 10% surveyed respondents were not aware of voice-enabled devices. Source: Link

No. of Alexa skills as of 2019: 100k+ and continuously growing

In addition to the above, more than 36% of the users say they use Alexa every day but the current usage is for entertainment. However, with businesses moving fast towards a voice strategy and users getting used to interacting with Alexa, this is only going to change.

What can you as a customer do with the Queen Bee Cleaning Alexa Skill

Home Cleaning services become easier with appointment booking available through Amazon Alexa. Just say ‘Alexa, open Queen Bee Cleaning to get started!

–You can book a new appointment

–You can also ask Alexa for your order status.

–It is only available for orders placed in the U.S. in locations served by Queen Bee Cleaning

For the best experience, the skill needs your email, mobile number, address, and full name. Please give permission for the same and update details for it in the Alexa app under “Device settings”. If you need help ensuring all of these are set up, reach out to us on “” or read the instructions given below.

Get Started:

To Get Started: Say “Alexa, open ‘Queen Bee Cleaning”.

Book an appointment

Say ‘book a service’ after Alexa completes the introduction to place a new order. Specify the date and time for the cleaning.

Accepted inputs for date and time:

– Follow your Alexa instructs for the same or check below examples

Date: 14th December or this Saturday [in this case it will pick up the first Saturday from the day of booking], or tomorrow or today.

Time: 9 AM/PM

You can also share special notes if any.

Track your booking

If you just want to track the status of your booking then you can say, “Alexa, ask ‘queen bee cleaning’, for the status of my booking”. Alexa will give you the current status of your booking if you have a running booking in place.

How to enable the Alexa skill?

You can enable the skill by clicking on the link below

Alexa Skill


How much does it cost?

The skill is completely free of cost for anybody to use. All you need to do is login to your Amazon account/Alexa app and enable the skill. Here is the link to the skill.

How do I access the Alexa skill?

You can access the skill by enabling it from here. Please note: for the skill to work you need to ensure the following:

Your address, email, phone number is updated under device settings

I don’t own an Alexa, how can use the skill?

You can always use the Alexa app if you don’t have the Alexa smart speaker.

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Bumble Bee Cleaning Services